Big Fuss Records Introduces Best New Artists






ARTISTS TO WATCH – Presently we have discontinued this program but feel free to peruse our 2018 selection.

Big Fuss Records Delivers Best New Artists To Watch!

Check out the great artists at link below. Currently we have discontinued this service for previous years and time being. 

  • 2018  Saving Athens, Tony Andrews, Scott Dean, Ross Royce and more

We strive to assist artists in the ever evolving music industry, where freedom and a desire to grow are key components for songwriters and performers.

The premise behind Big Fuss Records, “Artists To Watch”, was the idea that music changes and evolves, and artists require time to develop and build their audience.

Whether a pop singer or a hip hop artist, BFR has helped each participant toward a brighter future in the music industry. Our goal has always been to look for the best and brightest artists among the crowd and give them a leg up the best way we can.

Big Fuss Records embraces the future assisting select artists with original music.

Follow us and learn more about what is coming up in the future.


“We Make A Big Fuss Over You”



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