Christmas Around the Corner Volume I
December 1, 2016LoveStruck In Post Production
January 28, 2017Happy New Year 2017!
Big Fuss Records would like to wish music lovers around the globe a very happy and healthy 2017! We believe in dreams coming true!
We believe it all begins with giving. When you give with your heart, as most all musicians do; you are moved. Giving frees us and bestows abundance.
When we give, for a minute we are released from thoughts of how we are, or how we were, how we will be, how individuals view us, how we could be, how we should be, and so on. It’s the tape that continues to play in the mind. When we give with an exposed heart, we remember that we’re not alone.
Music is a gift that is all about giving. One song can touch the darkest heart and open it to a world of change. So keep giving, creating and doing what you do in 2017, and believe for increase! When you give with your heart, the world increases around you.
Much love to you and yours always from the Big Fuss Records team.
Happy New Year!